Wednesday 22 November 2017

Paws it is

Here's a simple card I made using papers in a (growing) paper stash. I added a cat paw stamp to a brown tag, and set that on top of a green cut-out I had from the first how to scrapbook project book I ever bought. 

I couldn't then not add a spangly pressie sticker to the bottom right. There's something about sparkles on a card, right?

And ps! Don't throw that stff away until you really have to, 🤣

Sunday 19 November 2017

Happy times

 Modelled by the lovely Bonnie (I forgot to take photos!) is my first engagement card. You can’t tell very well but that’s a quilled cat, with a quilled engagement ring in its tail.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Something's fishy

A fish tank themed Father's Day card. It was meant to be a shaker card but I just couldn't work it out, lol.

I used some shiny fabrics for the water and fronds. Stick on fish for...the fish.

I'd messed the sides up a bit, so added the green trim. I'd also badly messed up by stamping a fish upside down. It looked like it had died! Had to peel off the 'tank' and start again.

Ps! Spot the cat

Play me a card

 A music themed card for one of my team at the Music Library.  I wanted to have a go at doing a washi tape card, especially as I'd found some music themed tape. I Added a small flower for a highlight, and customized the envelop as I thought it looked a little drab.

Nothing is ever easy though, and I had to add glue as not all the washi tape would stay stuck down.

Flowers to go

Flowers for a get well card for my mum.  I had a go at quilling the white and purple flowers. Think I succeeded better with the bluebells. Added some tulip cut outs, some dinky red flowers from Poundland and some green stems to give it that full bouquet look. Backing paper and a tag to complete it.

I'd used thin card though and needed to reinforce it with washi tape and a yellow paper liner.

Friday 17 November 2017

Black cats are cool

I love the simplicity and relative cheapness of this card. I printed out image of a cat’s head, off Google images, then outlined it using black stick on jewels from Poundland.

I actually got the idea to do the outline like this from Poundland. They had some really naff looking designs, and i thought i could do better, lol.

I pasted the head onto folded card, also from Poundland. Flirted with jewels on the eyes but that was a bit OTT.

Card based on our cat, River.

Foaming kitties

Simple card using foam cats from The Works. I stuck em on white card. 

That did not look right, so ended up painting...yes painting the card yellow, lol. It kinda works but do wish I'd stuck down some backing.

I added glitter to paws and tails as highlights, then went to town on the middle foam cat.

Gottle of Geer

A beer themed card I saved from going flat, lol. 

I messed upon the foam but I think I managed to save it, with some metallic pens I'd got in my stash.

Long live metallic pens. 

I liked the backing paper for the newspaper feel, a perfect accompaniment to having a pint at the local.