Thursday 13 June 2019

Patchwork cards

Quilting a card is a fun way of using up those pretty scraps of paper you just can’t bear to let go and consign to the recycle bin.

Add some stitches with a pen/colour of choice and you’re off!  

It's a littler easier said than done but it's still easier than sewing an actual quilt!   

Those scraps too had to fit in with each other just right, and it took some fussing about with them before I was happy with the end image.     

I also added in an extra detail by overlapping a corner scrap, bottom left. 

I forget I'd need to add some text.  Luckily I had a blankish square I could use.  

I added the name with some red spangly letters and finished it off with a couple of cute flower toppers out of my stash.

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