Monday 9 September 2019

Anyone for cricket?

Anyone for cricket?

Pins and more pins!

Or do you prefer tennis?

I'm not sure a racket would have been any easier! It was hard working out how to quill the bat and ball. 

In retrospect I shouldn't have put a surrounding line where the ball hits the bat.

Pre flowers, looking better?
for the field I used hand made green paper because it has that nice uneven effect that can emulate grass.  Dotted in some flowers and I was done?  Nope!

The card felt unbalanced in some way.  Possibly I'd put the field in too high, too much white space below it?  Well, I added in a bunch of flowers which also didn't feel quite right.  Mrrrrrrr.  

Still I enjoyed making this card, and looking back if I do a similar style card I'm sure I'll do better.

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